16-01-2017: VaDia Suite v1.9 * Tablet version * suited for touch screen and finger usage * create tests at real-time data * completely new layout * user friendly interface * new application flow * loading files directly from Vadia device * new chart at analysis * History became Visits and join functionality of both * bugs fix * added validation at customer and reports * reports default range has changed * binding tests with visits * easy switch between Vadia Suite and Vadia Tablet * import /export database * export visits with tests result to .csv file 30-12-2015: VaDia Suite v1.8 * Bugs fix * New Customer View with more customer information * Adding visit to record time spent on the farm, reason etc. * New tab with information about animals recorded on the farm. * New basic Reports view * Uploading vd5 files to customer visit. * More information to report and possibility to preview reports * Advance module: * New advance Reports view * show some average values for all chosen MTT analysis * search by dates when MTT analysis were performed and added to the report * choosing information to shown per milking analysis * New tabs with Pulsator tests and Fall of tests * Possibility to editing recomended values. Also a possibility to not showing them in report. * Animal registration in Analysis view * MTT changes - added some new calculations * Help Button with FAQ 14-08-2015: VaDia Suite v1.7.1 * Fix bugs in core * Updated license core * Updated expire date * New Updater * Bug-fix: Change of channels when unchecking a channel in the analysis screen. * Bug-fix: Pulsator tests values from incorrect data 20-6-2014: VaDia Suite v1.5.0 * VaDia Suite can run without administrator priviliges. VaDia Suite is now installed in c:\Users\...\BioControl\VaDia\Suite. Already installed VaDia Suite is migrated from \Program Files (X86) directory. * When creating report with 'Report' button, the reports are also made as XML- and csv-file. These can be found in directory \BioControl\VaDia\Suite\ReportsXML. The sub-directories include the farm-nr for easy searching. * VaDiaSuiteUpdater is more robust: progress bar indicates download status of individual files. Download of individual file resumes from point when download was interrupted. * In Pulsator Test: deviation from the tolerance is also indicated in the active test (so before the report is made). * A button 'Report Summary' is added to the main navigation menu. This button opens a window 'Remarks' for text to be added to a report. These remarks will then be included on the first report-page 'Report Summary'. * The header of 'Report Summary' lists all Customer-fields that are not empty. The next report-pages only lists farm-nr and farm-name in the header. * In 'Settings': the default channel setting is included in menu 'Graph Settings'. VaDia Suite will then start-up using these default settings. * Attachment-time and Average Cyclic Vacuum Fluctuations are included in cow individual reports. * Farm-name is included in the graph (center) * Bug-fix: machine on time and over milking time are the same in cow individual reports * Bug-fix: a record can be deleted from History. Click 'Open' after DEL (or right-mouse click), it is then deleted. 17-04-2014: VaDia Suite v1.4.3 * Fields in customer are displayed as boxes, so that the user knows where to click to edit the field. * In settings: user can define date notification: dd-mm-yyyy or mm-dd-yyyy * version number in left bottom corner: 'VaDia Suite version x.x.x.' * Date of measurement is included in the graph (left-top corner). * Bug-fix: Settings/Graph Setting when entered min > max, message will come 'MinKpa can not be greater than MaxKpa'. * Bug-fix: when displayed in inHg, the point-value was indicated in kpa. 17-03-2014: VaDia Suite v1.4.2 AppUpdater deleted comments (commented MessageBox) when something fails only English language available Vadia Suite changed "Vadia" to "Vadia(s)" in VaDia status-label added ability to translate of particular messages, menu etc (missing translations): Delete customer Please choose SMT and MPC channels. Connected (Vadia's connection status) A Phase (B, C, D, A+B, C+D) changed in accordance with ISO 5707, 6690 and 3918 in the SUMMARY of the PT "a phase" (b, c, d, a+b, c+d) fixed collision of "Limp: " and "Error count: " from report of the PT increased distance between the "%" and "msec" in the PT report changed "msec" to "ms" in the PT report changed in the MTT pdf report translations to #210 Overmilking (o) and #214 Overmilking (vacuum) changed the wrong translations 04-03-2014: VaDia Suite v1.4.1 1. Fixed Fallof test so it reports correctly in inHg scale. 2. Changed requirement form .net 4.5 to .net 4.5.1 3. Updater limited to 5 attempts to download a file. Added messages about no access to internet. 4. Progress bar in updater will show indicate correct progress if file will not be downloaded. 5. Changed requirement form .net 4.5.1 to .net 4.5 6. Default language is English when running VaDia Suite first time various changes in between v1.2 - v1.4 - added "numer" attributes to Date of test, and falloff test report, - translated "copy to clipboard" in FormGraph2. - reverted some report.xml changes that were rejected by the users(translation numbers) - updated language files. - added tables header information in Pulsator Test (%msec, kPa/inHg) in A,B,C,D and Vmax columns, - changed translation for Milking Time Test report from 182 to 207, - changed the translation in FalloffTest from 62 to 328 - included VaDia Manager v2.01 12-02-2014: VaDia Suite v1.2 1. fixed left-over translation omissions 10-02-2014: Vadia Suite v1.1 1. Removed Window 'VaDia Viewer activation' when VaDia Suite starts